Supporting migrant workers in Vermont
At the beginning of March I had the chance to work with some students at Middlebury College who are volunteering their time to help some of the migrant farm workers here in Vermont with their English. Students sign up to help out and are then paired with their “campos” and meet with them weekly for English tutoring either in person or online. For the most part this is basic survival English, but some of the workers have been here for a while. So the training I gave to the volunteers was pretty much TESOL 101 — a very quick overview of issues relating to language, language learning, and what to expect in the tutor-student relationship. The students were all eager to get started and they have a great group of leaders. I was impressed. Hopefully some of them will develop an interest in language teaching and will come to take the Intro to TESOL course at Middlebury or the MA program at Monterey.